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Zoroastrianism An Enduring Legacy

Zoroastrianism: An Enduring Legacy

Origins and Beliefs

Zoroastrianism, one of the world's oldest monotheistic faiths, emerged in ancient Persia around the 10th century BCE. Founded by the prophet Zoroaster, its core belief centers on Ahura Mazda, the creator and supreme deity, who represents wisdom, goodness, and order.

Zoroastrians believe in the duality of good and evil, embodied by Ahura Mazda and Angra Mainyu, respectively. Their emphasis on free will and personal responsibility underscores the significance of their choices in shaping their destiny.

Principles of Zoroastrianism

Good Thoughts, Good Words, Good Deeds

Zoroastrian ethics revolve around the principle of "Ashem Vohu," or "Right Righteousness." This concept encompasses purity of thought, speech, and action. By adhering to these ideals, individuals progress towards a state of harmony with Ahura Mazda.

The Avesta: Sacred Text

The Avesta, a collection of religious texts, holds immense significance in Zoroastrianism. It comprises liturgical hymns, prayers, and philosophical teachings that provide guidance on morality, ethics, and rituals.

Heaven and Hell

Zoroastrians believe in an afterlife where the souls of the deceased undergo judgment. The righteous enter "Heaven," while the wicked face punishment in "Hell."

Zoroastrianism's Influence

Zoroastrianism has had a profound impact on Western civilization. Its beliefs and practices have influenced Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. The concept of heaven and hell, for instance, can be traced back to Zoroastrianism's dualistic nature.

Moreover, Zoroastrianism's emphasis on ethical living and individual responsibility has shaped moral philosophies and legal systems around the world.

Zoroastrianism Today

Zoroastrianism continues to endure today, with an estimated population of around 2.6 million worldwide. Communities are primarily found in India, Iran, and the United States. Despite its relatively small size, Zoroastrianism remains a vibrant and influential religion, preserving its ancient traditions and adapting to modern society.

Zoroastrian Religion
